Whats Wutanfall Werke?
Wutanfall Werke is a project started by myself to showcase my collection of photos I've taken through the last couple years. Different interests have led myself to some interesting people, architecture, automotive culture and photo documentation of the world we live in everyday.
Who Am I?
My name is Steven Brindza. I'm the guy behind all this. I'm a self taught photographer that decided I would like to share what I do with the world as I journey through life. A handful of years ago I decided to invest in a camera. At the time I didn't really have an interest in photography, but I had come across an opportunity and decided to it give it a shot. Not knowing anyone at the time that shared the interest made it a little difficult to get into and learn the basics. Small steps at a time got me through it at the beginning. Learning how to operate the camera, and then learning to edit, and then figuring out exactly what I wanted to take pictures of. Time went by and I got better with practice. At times I got discouraged and put the camera down as I wasn't really proud of my work. It seemed at times I would hit a wall and there was no improvement in my work. It wasn't really until I began to meet other photographers, photographers who were way above my skill level, that i started really improving. I admired their work and took notes on what exactly they were doing. I studied them constantly and tried to apply that knowledge to my own doings. Couple years later and here I am. Thanks to the support from the friends around me, I decided I wanted to start showcasing my work. I'd tell you more, but I would rather let the photos tell you more about who I am and what I find interesting.